Alesco AI

Self-serve consumer marketing prospects in under 1 minute

Try our simple chat format to find the exact, targeted consumer prospect or lead list you need to grow your business.

Grow Sales Today

Market with precision

Explain your ideal customer or your business and let AI find the best list.

Accurate Filters

The AI finds the best filters for your ideal list, but you still have control. Manage filters at any time as you search.

Premium Lists

Our lists include Zip+4 mailing list data, verified email addresses, and/or verified phone numbers to support your campaign.

Simple Pricing

Pricing should be simple and clear. We don't hide behind long price sheets or shifting prices. You get what you pay for.

Work from anywhere

Desktop & Mobile

Your work doesn't wait. And neither should you. Our service is available on every device.

Desktop Browsers

Most customers prefer using their laptop or PC. We support a wide range of computer models and browser types.


Have an idea right now for a search? Pull out your phone and go. We support the full process, or with our built-in autosave you can pick back up on your computer later!

Even Tablets

Get your work done from anywhere.

Simple Pricing

Premium Lists

The best, verified, updated consumer list data available!



Up to 250 records. Give it a try first if you're not quite ready to buy a full list.



Per 2,000 records.
Buy the right sized list for your needs. Max is 10K records.

Thousands of happy customers! 😍

Alesco Data, and now Alesco AI, have been reliably serving customers for over twenty years. We know data. And we know how to make it delightfully easy.

© 2024 - Alesco AI. All rights reserved.